Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill insects that eat its seeds. The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants so that the coffee plant itself can get more sunlight and grow better. Caffeine, also called tein or theine, is one of the xhantine alkaloids. Caffeine is used by plants as a biological pesticide that causes genetic breakdown in living cells that come into contact with it. Magnetic resonance imaging images, taken before and after consuming 1 cup of coffee, show a 45% decrease in blood flow to the brain. When the blood flow reduction was measured accurately, there was actually 52% less blood flow to the brain after just a small cup of coffee.
Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed that they showed the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients, and marijuana users. Coffee can lead to increased bowel movements because it is one way the body tries to clear toxins from the system. The sudden urge to defecate after drinking coffee is one of the body’s defense mechanisms against toxins. Coffee increases energy levels through the human metabolic fight or flight response because the body is afraid of the caffeine-based poison. However, coffee does not give energy, rather it removes it from the body. The energy that a person feels when drinking coffee is ultimately the body as it goes into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body (fight or flight). Coffee removes energy from the system so that the person becomes gradually more and more exhausted every day, thus establishing the world’s most dangerous energy stimulation addiction … Coffee addiction in the pursuit of energy for the body. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower intelligence centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems that control aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision-making, jealousy, anger, anger, fear and paranoia. Coffee creates low-level mental functioning with the addition of any negative emotional response the body can produce.
Activated during measurements one Coffee had the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no further caffeine was ingested after that one cup of coffee. A cup of coffee poisons the body for 3 consecutive weeks and the tendency is decreasing during this period.
When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain becomes hyperactivated and the higher learning centers of the mind are inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, procreation, protecting the territory, getting food, and personal safety. The limbic part of the brain is the most primitive and least developed part of the mind. If you want to trick or dominate another person, it is best to have their limbic system activated because it puts them in a mental state similar to that of a child. Contraceptive drugs inhibit the removal of ingested caffeine. This effect is dramatically increased by alcohol or pain reliever use, causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which are then diagnosed as something else once the person reaches the hospital. It has been proven that coffee can reduce prostate enlargement, anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (due to brain damage), behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohn’s disease, colitis, tendinitis, ulcers , Iron deficiency, heart disease, headache, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injuries, joint pain, heart attack, stroke, mini-stroke, etc … and that’s just a short list.
Coffee causes fat buildup and cellulite by triggering the body’s fight or flight system (like any poison or danger does). This ultimately changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to include fat. When the body feels threatened, it prefers fat as its primary fuel source over sugar or protein. The constant activation of the body’s own fight or flight system (via the daily intake of caffeine poison) contributes to a metabolic shift towards fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source in the fight against any toxic intruder … because fat 9 calories per gram for the fight contains as opposed to 4 calories per gram in sugar and protein. Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) increases in body fat, weight and cellulite. Coffee also destroys muscle tissue as the body deliberately breaks down muscle when poisoned to facilitate additional fat storage.
Coffee (caffeine) blocks the absorption of physiological iron, which causes a large number of anemia cases today.
The overall threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolate, caffeine-based energy drinks, caffeine-based fitness drinks, and over 2,000 over-the-counter and prescription drugs that are purposely caffeine-based.
Caffeine stimulates the release of the two stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, thereby causing blood pressure to rise and the heart to beat faster. But it also increases concentration and body coordination. It also causes more stomach acid to be produced and an increased urge to urinate. For sensitive people, the effects of caffeine can be negative. You may experience shortness of breath, tremors, and restlessness. In children, it can lead to nervousness, irritability, and anxiety.
The claims about the positive effects of coffee are false, and they all stem from a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby” that has its origins in both commercial and ruling families.