Is a Fever Harmful or Useful for Healing?

No matter what the cost, almost always everyone involved soon agrees that “the fever must be lowered”.

If the drop in temperature were really useful, the logical inner mind wouldn’t produce a fever. The well-intentioned calf compresses are certainly a lesser evil than the administration of antipyretic, antipyretic drugs. The most common substances are acetylsalicylic acid and the chemical paracetamol. Both are found in almost all painkiller combinations.

Why does fever promote healing?

The increased heat increases the ability of the blood to flow. The immune cells get to the most remote corners of the body even faster and the greater heat also heats up the metabolism of these small body soldiers. You become more active. The heart beats faster at higher temperatures and throws more blood and immune cells into the focus of the disease. The bone marrow, which is now even better supplied with blood, and the other educational institutions of the white body soldiers, the lymph nodes, the thymus gland and the spleen, produce even more white blood cells to fight the focus of the disease. Especially in fever, the leukocytes form a heat-resistant protein. These so-called “leukins”, which also include interferon, can withstand heat of up to 85 degrees Celsius. For their activity and strength they particularly need the “hot” fever. These leukines destroy viruses and prevent tissue growth. They also arrange the targeted use of other defense cells. Interferon is formed by leukocytes and connective tissue when a virus is infected. The interferon marks the diseased cells. In this way, the viruses, bacteria and immune cells leave the healthy tissue untouched.

In a fever, the organism pulls the circulating blood into the organs so that they receive even more oxygen, vital substances and energy for the increased detoxification function. Because the body temporarily draws the blood from the outer layers of the skin to the important centers of the organs, the feverish freezes despite their central heat. This shivering makes sense and is natural. It causes the patient to dress even warmer or to cover himself up thickly. The good insulation prevents the body heat that is important for the defense action from being lost to the outside. The strong feeling of illness must not hide the fact that the course is being set for health inside the body. The higher the fever, the stronger the internal protection. Very rarely does the fever climb above the critical limit of 41 degrees Celsius. An understanding doctor will only intervene at a critical limit.

If the infectious material and the inferior cells of the body have been destroyed by the defense and all debris of body cells, toxins or pathogens that have accumulated in the frenzy of battle are removed by the leukocytes, these also no longer generate “pyrogens”, i.e. no more fever-producing substances, and the temperature falls again below 37 degrees Celsius.

If a fever is suppressed, one robs the patient of one of his most powerful means of defense. The disease lasts longer, heals poorly or not at all, or becomes chronic.

With the onset of normal temperature, the sympathetic nerve responsible for physical activity hands over the reign to the regenerative nerve, the “vagus”. Under the rule of the vagus, the internal organs are switched to regeneration and the blood is shifted to the outskirts of the skin. Many of the impurities of the disease that are still floating in the blood are also excreted through the skin. The patient is sweating profusely. When the sweating begins, the patient recovers.

Classification of fever

The normal internal body temperature of humans is between 36.3 and 37.4 degrees Celsius.

37.1 ° C – 37.9 ° Csubfebrile temperature
38.0 ° C – 38.4 ° Cmoderate fever
38.5 ° C – 40.4 ° Chigh fever
from 40.5 ° C (also: 41.5 ° C)extreme fever (hyperpyrexia)

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom.

Fever is positive in and of itself because it helps fight infections and get rid of them quickly. Therefore it does not make sense to lower the temperature with every fever.

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